New Year - New YOU! Empower Your Mind with MasterMIND

MasterMIND Mental Wellness Consulting is an advocate for dispelling the stigma surrounding mental health and vows to do our part to normalize the fact that EVERYONE experiences stressors in one way or another from time to time. MasterMIND understands that stress is a normal response to any change in life, good or bad. As society finally gets on board with integrating mental wellness into everyday living, there are many resources available to address any stressor no matter the scale. With all that is happening in our world, community, and families, we are all feeling “something.” There is no shortage of fear, anger, or confusion in our society, especially in today’s world. Whether your stressors are related to personal anxiety or frustration, work, school, the neighbor next door, or anywhere in between, there is a solution for you. Feeling lost and in need of direction? Too many decisions to make and not enough guidance? Talk to someone before it gets out of control. If stress is getting the better part of you, start your year off right, and give us a try.

About us

New Day – New Way! One thing this new generation has taught us, is long are gone 'the ways of old.’

As society finally gets on board with integrating mental wellness into everyday living, there are many resources available to address any stressor no matter the scale. 

MasterMIND Mental Wellness was developed by a United States Army Veteran Registered Nurse that specializes in mental health. 

With approximately 20 years of experience in mental health and psychiatric nursing, the team at MasterMIND are well-equipped to provide mental wellness coaching. MasterMIND CEO has a background in military, civilian, and veteran mental health issues and diagnosis which adds a unique perspective and understanding to this coaching practice. Having a registered nurse with such specialized knowledge and experience can be beneficial for individuals seeking mental wellness coaching.

MasterMIND Mental Wellness Coaching can provide valuable insights, evidence-based strategies, and support that is tailored to the specific needs and challenges faced by military personnel, veterans, and civilians dealing with life's stressors. With a significant shortage of mental health providers, MasterMIND Mental Wellness Coaching promotes access to care by using their expertise to support individuals in improving their mental well-being.


Thank You Veterans text written in notebook with  flag of the United States of America on wooden background. USA holiday of Veterans, Memorial, Independence and Labor Day

What's on your mind

It may be the 21st century, but this is a new day, and a new generation! Not everyone or situation requires a psychiatrist, psychologist, or never-ending therapy. Sometimes, you just need to talk it out! There is something to be said about “outside perspectives.” MasterMIND offers private dialogue that addresses real-life stressors for real people – no judgement! We help you arrive at practical solutions to life’s challenges through problem-solving techniques that are unique to you and your experience.

Mental Health Coaching Services

Woman boxing gloves adjust eyeglasses. Win with strength or intellect. Strong intellect victory pledge. Know how defend myself. Confident her power. Strong mentally and physically. Smart and strong.

Stress Management Coaching

Learn effective strategies to reduce stress and improve your mental well-being.
hipster company of friends having fun together on boat in sea, summer vacation, smiling, positive, traveling around world, sunny, Thailand, sunglasses, cool people, party

Build Emotional Relilience

Find your true happy self! Receive personalized support and guidance to overcome adversity and bounce back from negative experiences. 

Closeup notes concept for motivation for stop stress

Anxiety Management

Receive personalized support and guidance to manage and overcome anxiety.


How do I know which provider to choose?

Each person’s experience is uniquely different. Therefore, the way we perceive and interpret events will guide our emotional response. Often, simply discussing our problems or sources of stress with trained professionals can provide us with fresh insights. This is because our thinking patterns become ingrained over time, making it challenging to think beyond our established mindset and gain new perspectives. Consequently, engaging in conversations with others becomes crucial in broadening our future outlooks. However, some people may require higher levels of care, or treatment.

Mental Wellness Coaches are not for everyone. If you are feeling suicidal, or have thoughts of hurting yourself or others, you will require treatment from a licensed mental health, or health care provider. You should call 911 or go to the nearest hospital to seek help immediately. 

If you are feeling intensely depressed, you should contact a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed therapist.

If you are in crises, please call the national number for suicide prevention and mental health crises at 9-8-8.

Schedule an appointment now by clicking this link
Menu chef holding cooking spoon background.

Contact Us Now

Be the master of your own mind!  If not, someone, or something else will.

When you're ready:

1.  Click on the secure link below to schedule your appointment

2.  Click the link above and complete a few short consent forms.

3.  Get ready to meet the best version of you!


Complete this short section to get in touch with us. We are here to support you on your mental wellness journey.

Questions?  Call, or drop us a line at:704-269-5940 [email protected]

More resources available at:

Free resources from Mental Health America | Mental Health America ( 

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